Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturdays are the Best

My favorite day of the week is Saturday. There are the obvious reasons, it is the first day of the weekend, and the farthest away from the workweek (unlike the dreaded Sunday, where you feel doomed because you know what the next day entails). It also means good NPR programs on WHYY: Car Talk, A Chef’s Table, Fresh Air Weekend, American Routes, and Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me. Jordan and I also do Wawa sub dates where we go to Wawa and eat in the car and listen to the radio, because we are that cool. I usually do something fun by myself on Saturday because I try and leave Jordan alone so he can do boring homework and stuff like that. I stayed home yesterday because we are poor, and cannot do more than one fun thing and we were going out to dinner later on. This Saturday was awesome even though public radio was doing another membership drive (that’s what podcasts are for).

First, we had our weekly Wawa date after sleeping in. Mmm, I love to sleep. Then I messed around with watercolors and listened to podcasts for a couple hours.

Jordan took reading as an opportunity for a papasan nap with Erma. One doesn’t stand a chance in that chair.

Then, we had date night! We got all gussied up and went out for Vietnamese food. ‘Twas tasty, but we were the youngest people there by about 25 years. But they had decent cheap house wine and at least we know where to get pho on a rainy day! Then, on the graciousness of friends, we attended the opening of The Foocy. It was great! Anyone in the Wilmington area should totally go see it. It involves puppets, and music, and fun homemade props. Who doesn’t like stories about creepy old Russian ladies told through inventive set design? Then there was a reception afterward, which capped off the whole day nicely, because who doesn’t like puppets and booze? Well, I can think of a few who would be creeped out by the combination, but they don’t count.

And now we have another whole day before the weekend is over. Yay for Saturday!


  1. Oh my gosh I love that you guys do a mini date lunch eating subs in the car, listening to the radio. I remember very well the good ole poor days of mine and Isaak's first years of marriage. We would go to AppleBees and try to eat (both of us) with tip for $15! I'd always get upset if Isaak ordered something more than $6, because we had no money!!!

  2. Lol! I think being poor brings out the creativity in people. Plus, Saturday radio is the best.
