Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rhubarb Attempt #1

I have a problem with baking.

The main issue is that I just can't do it very well. It seems to run in the family, and by that I mean I get it from my mother. The way I see it, I am genetically dysfunctional when it comes to baking. It's been embarrassing at times. Many a family celebration has been graced with a cake held up by toothpicks. As a newlywed, my romantic attempts at sweets for my sweet looked disfigured and flat. Usually the taste comes through, but it's just the aesthetics that are not up to par. You have no idea how many lopsided cakes I've made or cookies that seem to melt all into one piece.

However, over the years my baking has gotten better. As I learn what stiff peaks are actually supposed to be, that baking powder and baking soda can not be stand-ins for each other, and that the recipe gives exact amounts for a reason, my baking skills have sharpened.

Well, I had a relapse the other night. Jordan suggested that I make the rhubarb galette I had planned on making since I had lovely stalks of rhubarb becoming shriveled in the back of the fridge (they were also partially frozen, one of the joys of apartment living: if you put anything in the top or back of our fridge it freezes. This also interferes with my general well being). Out of laziness I searched for an alternate recipe so I wouldn't have to make crust. I found it on this blog. Mmm, looks good, doesn't it?

I immediately set out to make it while Jordan was at the library. It didn't take long, I had an excuse to use my awesome mixer and a spring form pan, and it was fun to make the rhubarb design on top. It was supposed to bake for 30-35 minutes, so I set the timer for 30. It wasn't done, so I put it in for another 5. I wasn't done, so I put it in for yet another 5. Repeat this until it had been if for over an hour and the middle was still gooey. I decided that I like the taste of raw batter, so to hell with it, the cake is coming out. Not only was the middle not done, but the cake had somehow bubbled up over itself, covering part of my well thought out rhubarb design. I made Jordan eat a slice anyway. It was still tasty though! And its good for breakfast!

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