Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Census Dad

Remember everybody, fill out your 2010 census, it will only take a minute! If you don’t, you will have somebody like my father come and knock on your door. In a normal place the fact that my father is traveling door to door inviting himself into stranger’s homes would not bother me, but my parents live in Tennessee. I am a bit worried. My dad is getting up there in years, he had a hip replacement, and I don’t think he can outrun a pack of pit bulls or pickup trucks. I am most worried that he will knock on the door of some anti government, pro gun wielding, sleeveless t-shirt wearing man drinking PBR. I know there must be lots of them in his little neck of the woods, and I don’t think they would welcome the sight of a US Census numerator. Below is a picture of the nifty briefcase he gets to carry along with an official badge and a shotgun given to him by the government just in case he meets one of these people.

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