Everything was good until a stop in Philadelphia. We started to smell something…something funky. At first it just seemed as if it was just general city smell, that dank nasty smell in wet corners of urban areas, but we realized that it wasn’t going away the farther we got from the stop. Somebody in Philadelphia is smelling funky. In my not so subtle ways I have started stealing glances at the newcomers around us. There is a curly haired man, he seems pretty normal and hygienic. There is this father son team that have been up and down the aisle a couple times now trying to get internet access, and when they pass I don’t get any strange smelling wafts of air. Nope, it must be this nice lady sitting next to us. I look at her face; she appears to be clean and normally dressed. My eyes travel downward to the bags she has stashed under the seat. Let’s see, there is a book, a purse, and typical bag things. Ah ha! There is a bundle wrapped in aluminum foil. It appears to have the tail of a fish coming out of it. Yes, I think we have found the culprit.
I hope this soon to be lukewarm dead fish is not traveling all the way to New York City with us.
Oh my gosh! Me and Isaak are taking a train from Raleigh to NYC in November, and it's bound to be a longer ride than Delaware to NYC...I hope we don't get any fowl smelling fish next to us!! Or fowl smelling people!