Saturday, April 10, 2010


Spring has arrived in good ole Delaware. As a matter of fact, not only has it arrived, it lasted about a week, and then the weather reached 92 degrees! But that is over with for now, hopefully, and things are back to pleasantly breezy conditions. I was going to wait to plant my herbs, but the hot weather was too tempting. As a result, for the first week they grew a bunch! Here is a shot that I took yesterday.

When I first put them in the basil couldn't be seen over the edge, and look at it now! I am also growing mint (in its own container because it will apparently take over otherwise. I'm not going to lie, its for mojitos.

On my herbage list this year: basil, chives, dill, rosemary, thyme, mint. Mmmm! Now lets hope I don't kill them all.

This isn't an herb, but its the new love of my life, a contorted filbert tree. Yes, I felt the need to plant a tree on our patio. Its so cute and twisty I couldn't resist. I'm waiting for it to get used to its new home before it goes into the fabulous purple pot from the purple lady in Savannah.

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